i samarbeid med privat og offentlig tannhelsetjeneste i Nordland, Troms og Finnmark

Ectopic maxillary permanent canine eruption - 3d imaging and interceptive treatment

Ectopic maxillary permanent canine eruption -3d imaging and interceptive treatment.

Type studie PhD-prosjekt som tar utgangspunkt i to forskjellige studier

Study 1:
A). Describe ectopic permanent canine positions evaluated from 3D imaging
B) Assess number, severity and position of root resorptions related to permanent ectopic canine eruption

Study 2:
A). Evaluate the effectiveness of concomitant extraction of the maxillary deciduous canine and maxillary deciduous first molar as compared to extraction of the deciduous maxillary canine only as an interceptive measure for improving the eruption path of ectopic maxillary canines.
B). Evaluate whether there is a difference in the use of analgesics, pain and discomfort between the two treatment groups in 1.

Status Prosjektperiode beregnes til omtrent fem år (til 2017-18)
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