i samarbeid med privat og offentlig tannhelsetjeneste i Nordland, Troms og Finnmark


Tromstannen - PhD-prosjekt

Tromstannen-PhD-prosjekt, PhD-kandidat tannlege Gro Eirin Holde
- Periodontal Health in a Norwegian Population

Type studie  Tverrsnittstudie 
The overall aim with this study is to study aspects of periodontal disease in the adult population in Troms County (Norway) and identify and analyze demographics and risk factors as well as health promoting factors of importance for periodontal disease. The specific aims are to:
- Describe the sample characteristics and methods employed for the data collection procedure within the epidemiological survey (Paper I)
- Determine the prevalence, severity and extent of periodontitis in the adult population in the county of Troms, Norway. (Paper II)
- Assess the protective and the hazardous risk factors (BMI, smoking, oral hygiene, systemic diseases etc.) for the development of advanced periodontitis. (Paper III)
- Investigate the association between sense of coherence (SOC) and periodontal health in a Norwegian adult population. (Paper IV) 
Status  PhD-prosjekt beregnes ferdig til 2018. Hovedveileder ved TkNN, Birgitta Jönsson. 
Kontaktperson  Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den. 
